Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Things I Did After School

     When I was still in Senior High School, I rarely stayed at home after school. I always had assignment to do. But most of my assignment that my teacher gave was a group assignment like musical drama, sport, presentation, and ect. Even it was tiring I really enjoyed that because it makes me can ghatered with my high school friends. Actually if we were serious to do the assignment maybe we just spent time like 2 or 3 hours. But you know, high school is wonderful, right? especially when you realize that in several weeks you will finish your study in high school. You don't wanna miss all the beautiful moment with your friends, your bestfriend or maybe your boyfriend in high school. It was fun! 

     Sometime, I didn't have an assigment, I stayed at my home playing with my cute cats. Or sometime I went to watch movie. I have 4 guy bestfriends and one of them is my boyfriend who asked me to joined them went to car event. I'd love to joined even I don't like automotive things. I enjoyed everything. I often went to any restaurant and eat together with my friends before we go home. I have gone swimming too!

    That was a few moment about what did after school break or after school guys.
 have a good day! 

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